Power Bi Plug-In Demo

what is power bi?

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that connects to all forms of data and provides interactive visualizations that enable deeper data insights. As demonstrated below, it can also be used to share dynamic reports online which are updated automatically as your data changes.

Power Bi Plug-in: Dynamic Excel-based Gantt Chart

You can now easily create project data in Excel and share all project data insights with others online using this Power BI Plug-in! The demo report below automatically shows current day task status and also includes any updates made to the Excel data source. Interact with it now!

Please note that there are multiple report pages for viewing and the visuals are interactive by selecting different fields / buttons. Both the Excel-Based Gantt Chart Tool data source and the associated Power BI Plug-In are available for download on the Products page (and at the “red” text links here). The Excel Gantt Chart Tool is very useful in of itself even without the Power BI Plug-In!

Interested in other types of reports using Power BI? Contact me via email or see my Upwork.com profile.